About Us

Get the training and education you need to succeed!

Our professional organization offers various continuing education opportunities for individuals and organizations who want to advance their career and professional growth. Whether you want to acquire new skills, update your knowledge or earn certification, we have the right courses and programs for you.

Who Are We

We provide professional development and continuing education opportunities to individuals and organizations. CPACE Philippines offers a variety of courses and programs including but not limited to training, seminars, conventions, conferences, webinars, workshops, and other learning development activities such as skills, special diplomas, and graduate certification, that are designed to help professionals stay up-to-date on the latest trends and developments in the fields of business and administration.

Our Mission & Vision

CPACE Philippines commits to providing excellent and quality-assured continuing education programs for individuals pursuing career advancement, personal enrichment, and professional development learning opportunities.

To become the prime institution for professional advancement and continuing education in the Philippines.

Why further your Education?

Professional certifications are significant for your professional development and enhance your competence.
By committing yourself to further studies by acquiring certifications, you allow yourself to be aware of the latest trends in your field, thus increasing your competencies in the workplace.
Getting certifications is a great step towards differentiation and you will have a higher chance of getting hired. As a professional who is looking for promotions, shifts in career, or moving to another company, getting certified will increase your overall value as you embark on your career growth and development.
Your knowledge and skills are expected to expand once you pursued certifications, therefore, you can get up-to-date tools and technological strategies that will serve to direct and guide you in the execution of your projects, enabling you to handle all elements of your work more successfully.
We all want to get paid based on our merits, and with the time and effort you invested with your education and professional advancement, employers will definitely give you credit with your commitment to enhancing your skills and abilities as a professional to your field.
Due to the numerous benefits certifications can offer you throughout your career, certifications are frequently an investment that are justified. Keep your credentials current as you progress in your resume, LinkedIn profile, or to your professional website.

Would you like to start a project with us?

We provide training programs, seminars, conventions, conferences, webinars, workshops, and other learning development activities such as skills, special diplomas, and graduate certifications.